About Jean

​I love nature, the outdoors, the beauty of the various land and seascapes across our country.
I also love diversity and paint a wide variety of subjects, whether it's from old or new photos, a still life, or setting up an easel in a setting that catches my eye. Starting out with an initial vision, I let the painting guide me into the exciting discovery of color, light, and the addition of other subjects. I love the process, the growth, the results. A painting creates a desire, an emotion, a memory. I paint for myself and the viewer's own journey.
Jean is a New Hampshire artist who has enjoyed many years of drawing, painting and teaching art to children and adults. Her paintings are inspired by New England's natural landscapes and coastal beauty. Jean is a member of Oil Painters of America and Monadnock Art and shares her work in exhibits, shows, galleries, commissions, and at her home studio.​